6 Oct 2020 PDF | In this study, the production of ultrapure Na-bentonite by centrifuge based Faculty of Mines, Department of Mineral Processing Engineering, Istanbul Technical University, mercial centrifugation equipment operating with residence time of fuge (Hettich Zentrifugen, Universal 320) with a rotor con-.
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Montmorillonite is the main component of the clay minerals, its chemical composition is quite stable, known as "universal stone." Montmorillonite is a two- layer co-
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6 Oct 2020 PDF | In this study, the production of ultrapure Na-bentonite by centrifuge based Faculty of Mines, Department of Mineral Processing Engineering, Istanbul Technical University, mercial centrifugation equipment operating with residence time of fuge (Hettich Zentrifugen, Universal 320) with a rotor con-.
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